Thursday, February 19, 2009

PTCL Evdo Packages (Tariff)

Below you will find PTCL Evdo Packages (Tariff)

Right now they have two packages

Package 1 (no CPE cost) - 
Unlimited access: Monthly service charge: Rs.2500 (first year) and Rs. 2000 from second year onwards.
No initial charges required and the charges will be billed with PTCL landline bill.  

Package 2 - Unlimited access:  
Initial CPE charge : Rs.4000 
Monthly service charges : Rs.2000 for unlimited access 
Monthly service charges will be billed with PTCL landline bill.

Note: If you don't have PTCL Landline bill or you don't want to pay with your telephone bill, you can then either pay monthly amount
advance to one of their authorized dealers.
P.S. You can't get the CPE on this option.